Device won't pick up

  1. Note:

    When turn on the device, if the dust sensor can not detect the dust, the device will keep in Min suction. Please swipe power control  slider to power up.

  2. Indicators:

     : Air channel blocked indicator

     : Dust sensor defective indicator

     : Brush tangled indicator

     : Power indicator

  3. Step 1 Check the dustbin/filters

    *If there is blockage in the dustbin or filters,  will blink. 

    *If there is blockage on the dust sensor,  will blink. 

    1. Clean up the dustbin and filters.

    2. Check and esnure the gaskets of mesh filter and dustbin lid are in right place. 

    3. Remove any blockages from the dustbin inlet. Clean up the dust sensor.

  4. Step 2 Check the power brush/tube

    *If there is blockage in the connector of brush,  will blink.

    *If the brush roller tangled,  will blink.

    1. Remove any blockages from the power brush connector and the tube.

    2. Release the brush roller from the brush, clean the brush window and suction mouth.

    3. Clean up the brush roller.

  5. Step 3 Check the main body

    *If there is blockage on the main motor inlet,  will blink.

    *If there is blockage or the motor abormal,  will blink. 

    1. Remove any blockages from the motor inlet, then cool down and retart.

    2. Remove any blockages from the motor outlet, clean the HEPA filter.


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